It has been said that Worship is the highest calling of the human soul. Certainly good heart-felt, beautiful, spirituality intelligent and mature worship can open our hearts, minds and souls to the presence of the divine and lead us to seek forgiveness, healing and empower us to live lives that are blessed and a blessing to others.
While each worship occasion and particular church community will express this universal need differently, for those of us in the traditional denominations of the Christian church, there are seasons we enter year by year, season by season- such as Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, Pentecost. There is much ancient and accumulated wisdom in these traditions. And they constantly need to be expressed in contemporary and relevant ways.
In this stream -Worship Resources - I offer online courses that aim to enliven and deepen your personal engagement with the season by: leading through daily devotions related to the Sunday Scriptures; providing stimulating integrated reflections on the reading to inspire and assist those of you who preach and lead Sunday worship; and, providing guidelines for group discussions for each week of major church seasons. The resources can be easily downloaded and printed
Please scroll down to see the latest courses available.