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Writer's pictureReverend Sue

Trinity - The Heart of God is Community

The Trinity is something we can get ourselves in a knot over. I have certainly wrestled with the idea and construction of the Trinity. And yet I find the idea of the Trinity – three yet one – endlessly fascinating and life giving. But maybe this year we should allow ourselves to enjoy the reality of the Trinity without first fully understanding it, allowing the Trinity to reveal itself. Whatever we understand about the Trinity we shall only ever be glimpsing reflected light.

Above all the Trinity – the understanding that one God has three expressions or ways of being in the world – means that loving relationship is at the centre of the whole universe. The Creator was never on his or her or their own! The one who created every thing, including us, was always a community of persons. Always more of a dancing community circling through time and space than a single old white haired man on a throne in the sky. The very nature of God is communion. A communion into which we are invited.

There are so many different ways of exploring the mystery of Trinity. You may like to read what I have previously written.

For those of us who have grown up with the idea of the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – it is impossible for us to realise what a world changing thought this was originally. Jesus and the disciples were Jewish and so they believed in one God to whom we should give our hearts, minds, souls and all our strength. Indeed insisting that there was only one God was one of the things that separated Jewish people from their neighbours who often had many gods. And so this declaration that God was a community was radical and potentially confusing. So then and now many have not worried too much about the Trinity because it is a bit confusing and what difference does it make anyway?

Well like every other understanding about the nature of God it makes both no difference and a lot of difference. No difference in the sense that God will be who God is regardless of our ideas. God will be God reaching out in love to us whatever strange thoughts we have or don’t have. And of course our ideas matter very much as well because the ideas we have about God, ourselves and our neighbours effect how we experience things so the more open and big our ideas the more of the God experience we can allow into our hearts and minds.

Jesus left this new big idea with his disciples as he was leaving. You who have known and loved me have participated in God and through the Spirit shall continue to be connected with the Father and I. Or as John’s gospel put it “the Father and I are one” and you are invited to be part of us. This understanding can only be given as Jesus is physically leaving them so that the disciples can understand the promise as the continuation of the relationship they already have with Jesus, can experience this as the growth and continuation of their love and desire to know and be known by God and his Son Jesus.

And how does this impact on us? The first instruction associated with that statement was that the disciples should baptise in the name of this divine community of love. (Matthew 28:16-20) The community of God, within the heart of God, has always been inviting others to join the dance, to participate in life. Baptism is a ritual of cleansing (so that one is fit to enter into union with God) and a ritual of initiation or joining a group. When we are baptised we are showing on the outside the inside truth that we are joining in the community of God with all those others who understand that they are loved by God. When we are baptised we are showing publically that we have given ourselves over to being a follower of Jesus and a seeker of God in every part of life.

So then when we hear those beautiful words “Remember I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” we can know that becoming part of that community of God, the community within the very heart of God, is without end. Jesus can promise to be with us always, through everything and anything that happens to us, because when we join in the God experience we are already in one sense “home” with God. Life and faith are not so much about earning a spot with God later in heaven as knowing confidently that we are in God now and our life’s work is to understand that more and more fully and to experience that in every part of life now.

Trinity suggests that the very nature of God is communal loving, and that the very nature of the movement of God is dance and ebb and flow. This suggests that God is very at home in our strange lives and that we can rest deeply in that same God who is forever inviting us into communion, inviting us to take part in the dance of life itself.

Even so, come Lord Jesus Christ, come gather us in, come dance us to the ends of love.



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